Monday, May 16, 2011

Seattle finally

Our intended temporary studio rental turned out to be unsuitable (for a variety of reasons), so we made alternate arrangements. However, for two days we stayed a block from the Space Needle (and the rest of the Seattle Center, the former World's Fair site.) It was also easy walking distance to the downtown waterfront.  
Basking on the waterfront

Musical fountain at the Seattle Center

Through the Cascades (almost there)

Some of the most beautiful mountains on the trip are just a few miles outside the city. 

Love the graffiti here: "This is not a picture opportunity."

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Mountains, Mountains

Big Sky country

Bitteroot range

Wyoming-Montana border (sorry about the reflection)

Heading toward the Rockies

The Cascades (almost there!)

Friday, May 13, 2011

Wyoming (and more SD)

This pic doesn't do justice to the spectacularly steep cliffs of Spearfish Canyon in the Black Hills.
Saw Devil's Tower from afar, but no aliens.
Singing prairie dogs part of the cowboy kitsch of Wall Drug - the ultimate Western emporium.

South Dakota Pics


The Corn Palace (the whole facade is a mosaic of corn husks in differing colors.  And it's on the Historic Register!

The jackalope: half antelope and half jackass. : )

On Tuesday night, our motel overlooked the Missouri River, in Chamberlain SD

Thursday, May 12, 2011

South Dakota and Wyoming

We pretty much tore through between Minneapolis and mid-South Dakota. Stayed the night in Chamberlin, in a motel overlooking the Missouri River. Next day headed for the Hills, the Black Hills to be precise, via the Badlands with a stop at Wall Drug for a bit of pie and cowboy kitsch. The rest of the day included a stop at Mt. Rushmore, a spectacular drive through Spearfish Canyon, and a photo op at Devils Tower. Stayed the night in Buffalo, Wyoming -- so naturally Maynard had to go all "Brokebacky" if you know what I mean.

Unfortunately the photo uploaded on the blog site is ridiculously slow, so will have to post pics later, or just use Facebook.

See you in Montana!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Minneapolis II

A great Priceline deal on a room at the Hyatt (thanks for the tip, Robert A.) Just the right location and a great fitness facility. And yes, this was the view from our hotel room.

Madison, WI

We spent Sunday evening with friends Ken and John in Madison, and Farley got to discover their life-size statue of Anubis, Egyptian god of the underworld. Farley also got to visit with Jeannie and Cher.


"I'm going to make it after all!" I can so picture Bob Soucy doing this scene.
Well that's where it went! Haven't seen that in ages.  This Cherry  is in the Walker Arts Center Sculpture Gardens in Minneapolis. A  really nice city with some great folks.


On the lake at Lincoln Park, looking toward downtown

A highlight: getting to see our friend Sara Anderson and her kids Avery and Graham.

Friday, May 6, 2011

To Friends in Salem and greater Boston

It was almost exactly four months ago that Jim came home and told me about a phone call he had received from a colleague in Seattle, informing him of an impending job opening, the one that Jim would be offered a couple of months later. What an emotional whirlwind it has been for the both of us: exciting and scary, and rather sad, too.

It took a while for Jim and I to convince each other that this could be the right move. He would regularly ask me, “Are we crazy to consider doing this?” and I would respond, “What a silly question; of course we are.” In truth, the only thing really holding us back was the thought of having to leave the incredibly loving and supportive circle of friends and family that has developed around us through the years. Once the decision to accept the offer was made, we dreaded the challenge of telling everyone. But even through your own sorrow, you have been fantastically affirming of our choice to look westward for the next chapter in our lives, as evidenced by the wonderful and moving send-off you gave us last Sunday.

On the night in early April when Jim and I “ambushed” many of you with our news, I pointed out to a few of you a small drawing I have kept displayed for many years. It depicts an old sailing vessel with bears a caption that reads “a ship is safe in a harbor, but that’s not what a ship is for.” I keep that around to remind myself to avoid complacency  and have considered it often during the past few weeks, realizing that the time may soon come for my ship to sail, and for Jim and I to leave the comfort zone of our beloved community. Now we are pulling up anchor, and I am so thankful to live in an age in which geography cannot separate us in the way it once would have. We will be back east as regularly as our schedule (and finances) allow, and we hope you will be out to visit us as often as you are able. For the in-between times, we have the “miracles” of modern communications technology to preserve our bonds.

So as we learn in French 101, this is not “adieu” but “au revoir.” And may the times we do meet again be early and often.

Love you all,

Jim S

PS - Forward this to anyone you feel appropriate. 

They're nice, even if they do like dingos.

Navigator Moose

Welcome to Travels with Farley

Hi, I am in a place called OOOhiOOO with the Big Guy and the Less Big Guy and we are on our way to to live in Seattle. It is on the Left Coast and it is a place with "very"chill mooses" the LBG says, so I should be happy.  I am a little sad cuz Bob Soucy  who plays special games with me, is not here or Michael who knits me very nice booties.  We stayed with those 2 other nice boys who have a hots tub last night but they also have dingos.  They are smelly (dingos, not boys) but are OK (boys, not dingos). They drank big margaritas cuz it was Saint Dimyo day and laughed lots in that hot tubs. Tonight we are in a hotel with free ice!!! so BG says "go ahead and make your Cosmos already".  They are gonna eat supper at the "one damn resturant next to that Pentacostal Church in the parking lot" but tomorrow we will be in Chicago.  I'm a little sad but am happy I can write you every day, ok?  Don't be sad. And LBG says we can "skyp" those peoples we luv and there is lots of those.  I can't even walk good so how can I skyp?  BG and LGB are gonna write some days too but only listen to me, ok, cuz they are silly, silly boys.  Farley the Moose
PS. You come visit me.